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“All the answers are within”
— Unknown

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What is Reiki?

Reiki means Universal life Energy. In Japanese, Rei means universal and Ki means a non-physical energy.

Reiki is a Japanese method of healing and spiritual development, developed by Dr. Mikao Usui.

It involves the transfer of Universal Energy to enhance the body’s natural ability to heal itself balancing the life force within. The life force energy or Prana flows through us and is what causes us to be alive. If one’s life force energy is too low, or too high then we are more likely to get sick or feel stress, but if it is in balance, we are more capable of being happy, healthy and gain clarity of mind. Reiki is a simple, natural method of spiritual healing that everyone can use.

What is Craniosacral Therapy (CST)?

CST is a manual therapy technique consisting of light touch, listening, and good intention to engage the tissues, evaluate, and encourage the body to change and heal itself. when working with the Craniosacral system, we encourage the flow of the Cerebrospinal Fluid.


It is a mat-based, targeted mobility and flexibility training method that helps students with stiff backs, locked up hips, and tight hamstrings. This method helps deliver flexibility results quickly. There are 3 important principles of Science Of Stretching™:

  • Wet Noodle.

    Muscles stretch best when completely relaxed. So when you train for flexibility, you attempt to relax into the stretch as much as possible. 4:8 Breathing. This breathing practice turns off the stretch reflex, stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system response, and relieves muscle tension.

  • Meet or Beat Your Hold Time.

  • Time over passive tension. Hold poses between 2-5 minutes.


Anything that can be done hands-on can also be done with Distance reiki. If you are overseas, or simply can’t find the time to come for a private reiki session. With Distance we can work on helping: People, Animals, land, plants, trees, the planet, past experiences, future events through visualizations, restore harmony in families, Business Harmonization and Energetic Clearing of homes and businesses, Souls who made their transition ….. 



40 minutes of YN is equivalent to 3 hrs of sleep.

From creating a clear state of mind where problems can be solved, decreasing anxiety, helping with memory loss to helping with more physical issues (addiction, diabetes, insomnia, reducing cortisol, reducing body weight ….and the list goes on.)

Yoga Nidra provides you with an effective tool where you can rewrite your personal pre-programing (Samskaras) changing the way you see what is on your consciousness.

It helps you reach a state of PEACEFUL PRESENCE for yourself and people around you. In Yoga Nidra we enter SAMADHI (=Ultimate Liberation), a state of oneness and Unity.


This technique comes from the Hindu texts of Vedanta (the Vedas) in the Upanishads (=teachings on the universe and self realization). The science behind this method is more than 6,000 years old.

Yoga Nidra works on 3 levels: Spiritual, Psychological/ behavioral and Physical. it uses a biological process of sleep to help you naturally disengage from your thoughts.

There are 5 tools of Yoga Nidra;

REALIZATION (Spiritual) that allows you to experience the self beyond the body, realizing who we truly are. You connect to pure consciousness, a silent non-doing presence. STILLNESS

INTEGRATION: (Psychological/ Behavioral) this stages allows you to release blocked energy at all levels, the body and the mind are integrating balance at both an emotional and a physical level.

DISIDENTIFICATION (Psychological/ Behavioral/ Spiritual) This is the stage when you become the witness of all thoughts and behavior, this distance allows you to move from a preprogramed unconscious reaction to a conscious action. Making it easier for you to control your emotions in life. You will act to situations as oppose to react.

INTENTION (Psychological/ Behavioral/ Spiritual) Unique to Yoga Nidra, you will use an intention to shift your life in the direction you want to go. You are in control.

RESTORATION (Physiological) In Yoga Nidra you go from beta (waking state) to alpha and theta brainwave states allowing the body to heal itself and restore itself naturally. With Yoga Nidra you enter brainwaves like in deep meditation, it is beneficial for healing and enhances learning.

Yoga Nidra is usually done lying down on your mat and Sarah is the facilitator. You just need to listen with your Prana (energy) body and the rest will be done.